April 2024 Astrology

April 2024 astrology is marked by big events: the Jupiter Uranus conjunction that happens only once in 14 years, this time in Taurus; a Mercury Retrograde and Solar Eclipse, both in Aries. The YouTube videos for each signs’ forecast is up on my channel.

There is also a marked shift in the energy beginning as the longer orbit planets move into fire and air signs in the coming years, leaving earth and water. Pluto into Aquarius (that video is here), Saturn and Neptune into Aries, Jupiter into Gemini. Water and earth make things grow, air and fire are combustive. The energy will pick up and things will move faster.

Jupiter-Uranus conjunction April 9th to May 4th

This conjunction is one of the 2 big events of 2024. These buffer dates are when these 2 planets are no more than 2 degrees apart. But the energy will be felt before and after with the conjunction exact on April 20th at 10:27 pm, EDT. The video, looking at the energy of both planets, how this manifested historically in Taurus and the sign by sign forecasts is available on my channel.

Uranus is breakthroughs, breakdowns and breakaways. Remember Uranus follows structured Saturn in our solar system. Uranus wants to us to break free from structure that’s become too heavy, too restrictive or that we’ve outgrown. 

Uranus is the rebel, the great disruptor. He rules inventions, astrology, new age and also separation and divorce, even in the larger sense.

It is rebelling or being faced with sudden unpredictable change. There may very well be a technology component as Uranus rules technology and what it futuristic. This conjunction will propel us into the future quite suddenly. This is the start of a 14 year cycle.

Jupiter is expensiveness and magnifies Uranian energy. But Jupiter is also the greater benefic and brings opportunities, solutions, blessings and sometimes plain luck. He is about learning and teaching which melds nicely with Uranus’ desire for us to evolve. Jupiter is also about faith and optimism. We will find a way through and forward, over the coming years.

The Sun

April 2024 astrology also has an eclipse. The Sun is conjunct the Moon on the solar eclipse on April 8th. It will be exact at 2:17 pm EDT at 19 degrees of Aries. The path of the eclipse runs through the center of Mexico, southwest to northeast, then through North America from southwest Texas to Newfoundland. You can find the map of the trajectory on eclipse2024.org with the percentage of eclipse seen by city.

Eclipses are marked changes, but happening in shadows. They are endings or beginnings, or vice versa, but not seen yet. There is the idea of fated events, as the eclipses follow the nodes.

It is not a good idea to decide or choose during the eclipse, as information is in darkness and there is usually a story going on in the shadows. Give yourself the week of the eclipse, but remember  the energy builds the week before and decreases the week after. Also it follows the lunar eclipse of March 25th.

The events surrounding Catherine, Princess of Wales, are a good example of an event with another event in the background. She was born on an eclipse and this one falls on the same degree (different sign) as her Capricorn Sun. Remember, eclipses reveal and conceal, end and begin. I think there will be more to come. Although, I am not saying it is all within her purview, as some have suggested. Eclipses bring fated events that only become clear sometimes months or even years later.


Mercury is retrograde in Aries from the 1st to the 25th, but still in shadow until May 13th. Communications are confused, it is a bad time to buy ground transportation or communication devices. if you want to know more, I have a recent video on Mercury Retrograde explaining how it can be useful and why we should expect communication glitches and are warned not buy communications devices. The retrograde is running in the background, along with the eclipse. It’s a month to observe and not to commit to anything.


Neptune and Venus conjuncts from the 1st to the 4th, in Pisces at the last degrees, then Venus moves into Aries. Venus is exalted in Pisces and Neptune is at home there. Both are very advantageous positions. The conjunction to Neptune is a short but intensely dreamy and unreal. Venus will be wearing Neptune’s rose colored glasses.

Everything and everyone seem better than what reality will show us when the conjunction subsides. Romance begun during this time is going to be wonderful, but maybe not as much as it really is. If you are already in a relationship, this can be a spiritual deepening of your bond, a profound connection on a soul mate level.

In fact, there is a lot of compassion (Neptune) and wanting to form bonds with others (Venus). But this can go overboard into selfless devotion. You may be doing a lot for others, more than you normally would, or more than you can afford, be it in time or energy or both. On the up side, as Venus relates to beauty and Neptune to what is otherworldly, this is a great time for intuition and creative downloads.


Mars hangs back in Pisces, making conjunctions to Saturn and Neptune. The conjunction to Saturn is the start of a 2 year cycle and takes place from the 8th to the 14th. It is wanting to go fast (Mars), sometimes throwing ourselves headlong into something. Simultaneously, there is Saturnian energy, making us go slowly and pay attention to details. Saturn wants a solid basis and makes sure we know what we are doing. He can create impediments to force us to examine the facts and work diligently for what we want. It can leave us somewhat frustrated and in general can create friction, impatience and outbursts.

Then Mars conjuncts Neptune from the 26th to the 30th, just before moving into his home sign of Aries. This can make us very intense in pursuing dreams and spiritual experiences. There is an ideal with Neptune. We can throw ourselves into a cause that helps others, but you may not feel that way once the energy dwindles. Careful before you commit.

Mars is drive but also sex drive. Neptune is spirituality, compassion and substances. The idea fo fleeing reality, otherwordliness, altered reality. This can be the pursuit of very intense sexual experiences, with the search for a spiritual connection. Tantric sex. It can also be the use of substances to achieve that goal of a spiritual experience. ‘Are you experienced?’ as Jimi Hendrix sang. Mars can be reckless at times, fearless and driven. Do look before you leap. But also makes you very attractive, in a spiritual sexual way The idea of guru energy. 

Full Moon

The Moon is full at the end of the month, on the 23rd at 4 degrees of Scorpio. Full Moons being increased emotion but it is particular in Scorpio as the Moon is debilitated there. Theres a Bad Moon on the Rise, as Creedence Clearwater Revival sang. Don’t worry, I still think it won’t be as much as what preceded and forewarned is forearmed.

Full Moons can reveal or bring completion. In Scorpio, we may expect something more secretive, or hidden that can come to light. The Moon rules emotions and is the ruler of water sign Cancer. Scorpio is also a water sign, but the Moon is in its fall here and can express emotion more negatively: anxiety and insecurity that lead to suspicion and jealousy. The desire for control and resorting to manipulation. Emotions run higher on the days surrounding the full moon, and this one can bring out some negative ones. Remember this is happening to those around you as well.

Image Choice and The Eclipse Energy 

I chose this month’s image as there is red (I did edit it a bit to deepen the color) and it is fitting for Aries season, as Aries is a fire sign. The red planet in the background could be Mars, Aries’ ruler. But as I look at it, before posting this, I notice the woman’s face is hidden in shadow. An unseen story emerges from behind my initial perception. Something hidden that I didn’t see right away. This is eclipse season after all.

Image: Pawel Szvmanski on Unsplash